Ok, here’s what happened.
I was standing in line at the grocery store getting ready to purchase a potted basil plant when the lady behind me said,
“You’re buying my love language.”
It was too weird of a statement for me to ignore. And I’m glad I didn’t.
She wanted to talk and I was ready to listen.
In the time it took for the shopper ahead of me to check out, I discovered her late husband, a 2nd generation Italian-American, loved to cook for her and my basil plant reminded her of the fresh pesto he’d make before popping homemade gnocchi into a pot of boiling water.
That brief conversation initiated by one weird comment did two things.
First, it made me incredibly hungry for Italian food.
Second, it reminded me that every story..no matter how simple…or how awkwardly started in a line in the grocery store…That story is worth hearing.
Veteran’s Spouse Project encourages active, veteran, and retired military spouses to share their stories, understand their journey, and find ways to grow from the many experiences that military life brings. We encourage you to register for an upcoming workshop, meet a community of other military spouses, and enjoy learning with us!