“in*BETWEEN. So much of a military spouse’s life is lived in the ‘in between.’ In between moves. In between homes. In between schools. In between careers. In between deployments. In between training. Just ‘in the in between.’ And how does a military spouse piece together a real, authentic life from all of the in betweens? That’s what this play addresses. That’s what this play is about.”
-Amy Uptgraft
What Our West Point Audience Members Had to Say about in*BETWEEN…
A Staged Play Reading
Written by Amy Uptgraft & the members of the Heart to Script Writing Group
James I. O’Neill High School Auditorium
21 Morgan Road
Highland Falls, NY 10928
Date and Time:
Thursday, April 25th, 2024
6:00 p.m. EST
VSP invites you…
…to witness the real-life stories of military spouses as they traverse the hardships, joys, and “in betweens” of their camouflage-tinted journeys. This staged play reading will be a special read-through of the in*BETWEEN script, written by VSP Founder and Artistic Director, Amy Uptgraft, and the members of the Heart to Script Writing Group – all comprised of veteran and active duty military spouses.
Have questions? Reach out to us here!
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Experience in*BETWEEN
When VSP Founder, Artistic Director, and resident playwright, Amy Uptgraft, reflects on what it means to hold a space for the stories of military spouses that have gone into the latest Veteran’s Spouse Project theatrical piece, “in*BETWEEN,” she can only describe it with sheer reverence.